
John Goszner: The Right to Appear Before the Face of God and to Pray

The permission or right to appear before the face of God and to pray, is a mercy that can not be valued highly enough, nor sufficiently acknowledged and prized by any child of man.

Abraham Lincoln: A President of Prayer and Faith

Visit To Henry Ward Beecher “Following the disaster of Bull Run, when the strength and resources of the nation seemed to have been wasted, the hopes of the North were at their lowest ebb, and Mr.

How To Be Sure Your Prayers Get Answered

And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas said unto Him, Lord, we know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.

A Prayer For Christian Graces by Karl Bogatzky

I know, Lord, that thou canst do everything; power belongs to thee, and with thee nothing is impossible; what thou hast promised, thou art able also to perform. Thou art good, and doest good, good to all; and thy tender mercy is over all thy works, that thou wouldest cause thy goodness to pass before me, that I may taste and see that the Lord is good, and have his loving-kindness always before mine eyes.

A Prayer for the Sick

…through Thy Son, Jesus Christ, the sick can again rise… A Prayer for The Sick O Heavenly Father, we thank Thee in this morning hour that though sin has come into the world and is bound by Thine own law to bring the body down to death, that Thou art the Word of Life, and that through Thy Son, Jesus Christ, the sick can again rise, and that through Him, those that have sinned may have forgiveness.

The Snow Prayer

There was another little girl by the name of Mary, who also had learned to pray. Every morning and evening she would kneel beside her bed and pray out of a full heart.

Are there prayers in Hell?

‘“I call your attention to the fact that hell is always prayerful. The rich man in hell was a prayerful man, not praying to the true and living God, but calling upon Abraham.

Morning Prayer for Wednesday from the "Treasury of Prayers"

O ALMIGHTY And merciful God, gracious Father in heaven, Thou hast again, by the protection of Thy ministering spirits, the holy angels, kept me this past night, so that I have lived to see this day in good health and spirits.

A Prayer for Temporal, Eternal, and Spiritual Blessings

The following devotion is from The Handbook of John Frederick Starck, translated by J. Stump and published in 1904. May it be a blessing for you today as it has been for countless saints through the years.

What about praying the Rosary?

There is much focus on mindfulness in the general culture and in the church. Praying the Rosary seems such a natural and wholesome thing to do. In addition, the Roman Catholic Church promotes such prayers as meritorious.