A Good Collection of Scriptures for Daily Family Devotions

Over at the Lutheran Library [a ministry which publishes Biblically sound ebooks at no charge for Christians of all denominations - check them out] - the editor has released a compact list of daily Scripture passages for family devotions.
What makes these exceptionally good is that they have been chosen for devotional content and arranged chronologically so as to cover the essence of all the Scriptures in a year.
Rev. Jesse Hurlbut writes,
“It has seemed to me that there is need of a good selection of Scripture passages, of nearly uniform length, fitted for reading at family worship, so chosen as to furnish a reading for every day in the year and to complete the Bible in a year.”
“But though all parts of the Bible are valuable, and even its driest genealogical tables have their uses to the student of history, yet all portions are not equally profitable for devotional purposes, nor adapted to reading in the family.”
“In the selection of passages the endeavor has been to follow the general current of history in the Bible, choosing mainly such passages as have some plain spiritual purpose; interspersing psalms with historical portions, and placing the selections from the prophets and the epistles nearly where they belong in the historical order.”
“It is the prayer of the compiler that this little work may help to a better understanding, a deeper interest, and a richer enjoyment in the Word of Life. – Jesse Hurlbut, New York, September 9, 1890.